Employee app for staffing companies

Do you want to easily connect all your employees regardless of their location, working hours and native language? That’s exactly what your new employee app from LOLYO makes possible.
Employee app for staffing companies, lady with a tablet using the LOLYO employee app

What do you need to take your staffing company’s internal communication to the next level and put an end to the shortage of skilled workers? The LOLYO one-for-all employee app! Your employees will always have up-to-date information and important documents on their phone. Plus, with the built-in translation feature, they can get it in up to 20 different languages at the touch of a button! The modern social intranet, which is 100% GDPR compliant, also makes it much easier for employees to share information with each other – a win-win situation for the business.

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Information Exchange and Administrative Simplification

Does the exchange of information between your factory floor workers and the corporate office regularly come to a standstill? Not anymore! From pay stubs and claims to sick leave and vacation notifications, your new employee app from LOLYO makes data transfer much easier. And it gets even better: training documents, videos, and podcasts guide your team through their daily work and provide an extra boost to employee retention.

All information in real time

Your new employee app from LOLYO is not just an indispensable tool for internal communication; it also helps your team grow closer together. Employees can share pictures and articles on the bulletin board, and you can reach individuals or specific target groups directly through the chat. This way, everyone stays connected, and the joy of sharing is never lost.

How to turn your employees into company ambassadors

Do you need to fill vacancies quickly? Then you’ll benefit from LOLYO’s “employees recruit employees” feature. With this social sharing option, job openings can be shared on private social networks at any time, giving your team valuable support in the recruitment process.


Engagement-tool for higher participation rates

For those without a fixed PC workstation, all documents are available in the convenient smartphone app. Those working on a computer can easily use LOLYO in the clean and appealing desktop version. And to ensure everyone stays engaged, there’s an integrated engagement tool. Employees who actively participate, such as by liking posts or leaving comments, earn points that can later be redeemed in the goodie store for various giveaways from your company.

Engagement-Tool fuer hoechte Teilnahme in der Mitarbeiter-App

“The active exchange between employees at the locations and the head office has been significantly improved and the utilization rate of internal training has increased considerably.”

Isabella Waldbauer-Schulner, MA, Head of Marketing, ISS Österreich
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